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Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya (remake del Anime por Netflix / Crunchyroll)

Kaito Kid

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Ya lo he visto , el combate de Milo y Aioria...un poco bluf. Leo parece que está hecho de una pasta muy blandita.  Sólo aguanta 2 aguijonazos,  por mucho que digan que sigue bajo los efectos del Satán imperial....Hyoga aguanta 15 Y Aioria sólo 2? 


Lo de los caballeros volando.....mejor paso palabra.


Lo de Marín es una excusa barata para explicar por qué es la única que lleva máscara...


En fin. No me molesta mucho en general , pero creo que se podría hacer algo mejor, aunque también mucho peor.


A mi no me ha aburrido el capítulo,  pero creo que mi nivel de exigencia es baja y por eso me contento con lo que me están dando

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Bueno, juraría que lo de los caballeros voladores no es la primera vez que lo vemos en Saint Seiya...

Editado por SPTCS
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Todo eso viene de la pelicula cgi la leyenda del santuario, que por cierto bien a gusto se quedaron....

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Vayamos por partes que hay mucha tela que cortar del episodio de esta semana:

  1.  Combate entre Aioros vs. Milo ....... esto es nuevo no ¿?¿?....me ha gustado he de decir..peero un empate hubiera estado mejor.
  2. Mu y Aldebaran ...volando ¿?¿?¿? .. ojete torcido totalmente.
  3. Marin y la máscara misteriosa de Aioras...... otra fumada.
  4.  Vamos a meter un relleno de caballeros calavera y nos quedamos tan anchos.

Me da que nos vamos a quedar en la casa de Sagitario y su juramento en el episodio 12.

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Visto el capítulo sí me ha gustado, entretenido más bien. No me aburre la serie y es lo mejor para mi, siempre me deja con ganas de más. Es evidente que éste corta el ritmo que llevaba la serie, pero el relleno en la historia de Star Hill es interesante y eso de los caballeros calavera habrá que ver de qué se trata realmente ( en el manga salían aunque en otro escenario )


El combate Milo vs Aioria ha estado bien, y eso que esperaba más un empate que ver a Aioria inconsciente.... inesperado. 

La historieta de Marin me resulta atractiva, así “descubriremos” por qué lleva máscara y las otras tres no, y bueno....hasta dónde llegará ese asunto de Star Hill.

Y los caballeros Calavera más de lo mismo; los controla Saga, los controla Shaka o es que tienen voluntad todavía (las armaduras más bien) ??? Y por qué ahí ??


PD: Mu y Aldebaran volando también, lo he visto raro la verdad jajaja. Al principio corren con ellas, ahora las dejan atrás y van ellos a toda leche.... me choca más eso que todo lo demás .

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Caballeros voladores solo los había visto en la película Legend of the Sanctuary. De ahí en más, tal vez solo se vio a Shaka levitando.

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Lo de los caballeros voladores no es lo que genera ruido, sino que siendo capaces de moverse a la velocidad de la luz vayan volando a 2km por hora. Así como para que no se roce el cromo de la armadura con el viento.

Respecto a la pelea de Milo y Aioria, imagino que los fans del primero estarán felices y los del segundo indignados. Yo aquí parto una lanza y prometo fielmente perdonarle todas las irregularidades a esta serie si meten un Saga vs Shaka para ver indignados a los shakistas.

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Y lo que dijera el combate de Saga vs Shaka en esta serie sería totalmente canónico 🤣

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Exacto, ¿ves cómo se puede ser razonable y estar dispuesto a ceder? :6: No todo tiene que ser malo. 

Editado por Gold-St
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Lo que te digo, pienso en esta serie como universo paralelo, como pienso que es lo mismo lost canvas,  episodio G o Santia sho.


La línea temporal principal/ original la veo en el manga  ochentero y next dimensión. 


Y lo mismo me pasa con otras franquicias,  así no me llevo disgustos. 

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Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya [Season 2]

Interview with Sakura Rosa Kayama, production manager on Knights of the Zodiac


After the host begins by praising KotZ director Yoshiharu Ashino, Kayama raves about him and says he's a very good person.


- She says he's the only director with whom it went well in his career in animation, because he respected her both as a person and as a professional.
- Netflix has never been involved in the production of KotZ (especially in terms of requesting certain changes as some have assumed).
- Netflix only paid for the licensing and distribution rights. The season is entirely the work of TOEI Animation.
- Netflix only revised the final format of the episodes once they were completed and expressed themselves as follows: "the content is 100% TOEI Animation".
- Masami Kurumada and Kurumada Pro were little involved in the productions apart from a few work meetings.
- The Japanese production of TOEI relied on American screenwriters.
– The original intention was also to change Aphrodite's gender from Pisces.
- There have been many meetings, very long meetings, for this new season. They learned from the mistakes of the first season.
- The American screenwriters are not fans of the series but professionals hired for the job, hence the fact that they do not hesitate to change certain things.
- There has been a lot of talk regarding June's attack on the Chameleon. They wanted to use something with "Rainbow" but dropped the idea because they feared it would be misinterpreted in the US.
- The Zodiac Houses are based on the Manga and they have a lot of artistic freedom for their interior since it's not really detailed in the original Manga.
- There were limitations regarding the House of Cancer, as Eugene Son's scenario required more specific things which were impossible to achieve
- KotZ has a very big budget compared to other Japanese animated productions. It's a very, very big budget, but with its limits, we're far from a Pixar.
- KotZ was always planned in CG, there was never any question of making the series in traditional 2D.
– Whenever a Next Dimension anime was mentioned, Kayama kicked back laughing or looking away, saying he couldn't comment on it.
- TOEI has never been interested in The Lost Canvas.
- The passage of The Lost Canvas at TMS instead of TOEI is a decision that was taken by Masami Kurumada, but she did not want to go into details.
- It was Netflix who decided not to order a sequel to the series, but TOEI didn't want to give up and sent it to Crunchyroll in partnership with Sony.
- Sony has invested financially in the production of the season.
- When asked why Knights don't wear helmets, she laughed and said "3D is hard"
- The original language (dubbing and script) is English and the recordings are made in the USA.
- The script and dialogues are written by Eugene Son. Director Yoshiharu Ashira doesn't like to change what was created by the screenwriter in the English text, however in the Japanese dub, Ashino modifies the dialogues so that it is closer to the text of the original series (that's why than dubbing
- TOEI intends to do several seasons of KotZ and they have hinted that the intention is to adapt Next Dimension within the series, but they need the support of the fans.
– The series has not yet been released in Japan because it is not its target audience.
- KotZ's OST has always been intended to be original and not to reuse the music of the original series. The compositions are deliberately more "Americanized" because this is the target audience.

- She hinted that we will see Sagittarius Aiolos using the "Atomic Thunderborl" at some point, but did not want to confirm it so as not to spoil it.


- She confirmed that there are a lot of references within the series, not only to the manga and the original series, but also to other Saint Seiya projects like the movie "Legend of Sanctuary".

- The American and international audience are the main focus, because the Japanese audience is no longer big enough for TOEI.
- She says it's important for fans to comment on the show on Crunchyroll because it's easier for producers to read fan comments than Netflix.
- She concludes the interview by thanking the fans for all the support given to the 2nd season, because it was difficult to keep their motivation following the negative reactions of the first one, especially for her because she could read the comments of the Latino fans.

Several times director Yoshiharu Ashino told her that she didn't want to read negative reviews because it depressed him.
- She thanked the fans for the constructive criticism and supported the fact that it was important to give your opinions and ideas, but to do so with respect and love.



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con todo respeto que ni toquen next dimension con esta porqueria,  que ni se les ocurra por mi que  se acabe en las  doce casas  y no avance mas   no quiero ver  a   hades  travesti, o una estupidez como esa ,   que  separen el next de esto desde ya lo digo  lo paso  como    un locura experimental pero  esto nunca  lo vere como lo original para mi que  se  acabe en   las doces casas  pudieron arreglar mucho haciendo un redoblaje  de la primera temporada cambiando el sexo de shun pero no quisieron  por mi esto ya esta perdido  y espero que no avance mas de las doce casas  espero que se quede hay  y algun dia nos den  un remake 2d en condiciones

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