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Mensajes publicados por Mimilax

  1. hace 12 horas, Pacheco dijo:

    Puestos a teorizar partimos de dos teorias que ya no valen

    1.el orden del alfabeto griego. descartado.

    2.el orden de salidas myth.  descartado.


    Pues yo propongo una teoria loca:

    El cuarto Asgardiano en salir sera Alberich de Megrez Delta.


    Y me baso en que los japon son algo burros y rebuscados y pueden haber seguido no el orden del alfabeto griego sino el latino.

    A- Alpha

    B- Beta 

    C- Zeta ( a los japos les suena igual la C y la Z)

    D- Delta

    E- Eta

    G- Gamma

    I- ipsilon (es Epsilon pero Ipsilon existe en el alfabeto griego y cumple la teoria que coño, la "e" en ingles se dice "i")

    O- Odin

    P- Polaris (hilda)

    Z- Zeta  Bud obvio


    Que empiece la guerra:biggrin:


    I have this idea: god warriors are now regular because they have nothing to put on the regular releases other than revivals.

    Maybe when marina shogun will end, they will put on the TWS the less important god warriors (Fenrir, Alberich and Bud because it is a recolor) and most complicated to release (Thor), and in the regular releases they will put characters from Elysion.

    So basically i will expect Kaysa TWS, and Benetnasch regular. And then in the second part of the year 2021 another god warrior but on TWS and maybe Hypnos or Thanatos on regular.

    Let's remember that marina shogun were on TWS because in those years Bandai was releasing SOG myth on regular market and because were more profitable.

  2. I've read on this forum first of July but it could be a typo or my memory not working. Anyway it's a TWS, so it won't be difficult to preorder even if someone miss the day. Unless you want to buy it from Nippon Yasan or Nin Nin, not my case: bad experiences.

  3. hace 10 minutos, emanuele dijo:

    intendevo, quando era possibile ordinarlo


    Normalmente molti negozi online lo aprono il giorno del preordine come ti ha indicato Loranzo.

    Nin-nin è l'eccezione che apre qualche giorno prima. Se lo ordini in Italia devi chiedere in fumetteria o seguire gli annunci di Cosmic Group quando dichiarano il preordine aperto.


    Translation for everybody, he asked when is possible to preorder Syd and i answered that he has to follow the release date indicated from Loranzo, the majority of online store open the preorders in that date. Except Nin-nin that opens few days before. Or if he wants to buy in Italy he has to ask in the comic store or follow Cosmic Group announces (Cosmic Group is the official distributor in Italy and in France for Bandai).

  4. hace 13 horas, CesarD3 dijo:

    Wow a great collection you almost have all,


    Yes i collect myth from 2004 when Aiolia was released, bought from Archonia, a belgium store. And then from Hobby Link Japan when buying a myth would cost to you 40 euro with shipping.


     did you not like Saga Los?... Hey Why Aphrodite OC is in Regular ¬¬ Looks more beautiful than the anime version  at least for me hahaha


    that's because i consider recolor less necessary in my view. Milo SSE has surely a better face than Milo regular, but when Milo was realeased in EX format i consider it a huge deal respect when Milo SSE was released.


  5. hace 34 minutos, Shun_John dijo:

    Bandai had previously said in an Interview they wanted to end the OCEs of Gold in 2020. Never anyone who reads what they declare.




    They said in an interview pre-covid. Now we don't know if they had changed plans and why. But if they wanted to take Taurus to TN 2020 probably they had put him in production line already. With no TN we don't know if they would release it anyway or they use the lottery slot of 2021 to release it as a regular TWS.

  6. hace 20 horas, Loranzo dijo:


    the EX Aldebaran Taurus ~OCE~ maybe finally released in the first semester of 2021 if there is no Tamashii Nations Autumn ! :82:


    In one of the last interviews they said they wanted to end the line of OCE gold EX in 2020. I imagine they wanted to end with the exclusive of TN 2020. Obviously if Taurus is the exclusive of TN in october it will be also released in 2021 as lottery. But we really dont't what could be plan B if there is not Tamashii Nation. Because according the plan A Taurus OCE is a figure ready to be releasd for the autumn, if they intended to end the line for this year.

    Btw Wonderfestival for this yaear is already canceled.

  7. I think tha serie isn't selling well as a manga too.

    It's sad because Mayura was an original project. Instead the serie was used to create recycled myth as SSE Milo, Ares Saga and Kyoko.

    The only original character of the serie was Shoko and she went badly too.

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