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I'm selling my Avengers Infinity War Hot Toys - Captain America (Standard)

sold :happy:

Editado por Loranzo
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for those interested ! 

I'm selling my SH figuarts Avengers Infinity War - Thor

sold :happy:


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  • hace 5 semanas...

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Reception of the day !!!
EX Krishna Chrysaor

New photos, soon !!!



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Sample Picture

EX Krishna Chrysaor



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Queda fenomenal el nuevo general!!!

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Simplemente, alucinante. Lástima no tener espacio para poder exponer el trono de Poseidón.


Felicidades Loranzo.

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I will make new photos in a few days, I redesign the showcase :Face:

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Small review for Krishna Chrysaor EX !! 


- Design of the Scales identical to the anime
- Beautiful hair and a lot of face resembling the Hindu
- No problem painting for armor and face
- Rigid feet, it holds perfectly standing
- I always thought that Krishna Chrysaor was very big in the anime (1,87m), but finally, he is the same size as Kanon Sea Dragon (1,88m)
So, it's a good size in EX format.

- There are small notches behind the back, but they become invisible with the long hair ... nothing really important
- The plastic pieces of the shock belt not as much as I thought... We do not think about it by looking at all Marinas !


- The only negative is the price ... but for 10 years, we are used to it ! :biggrin:

The figurine, the gold spear in hand, has a lot of charisma in a pretty pose! a good buy !!! highly Io Scylla EX now!



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new readjustment !!!

EX Poseidon, EX Sorrento Siren, EX Kanon Sea Dragon, EX Kraken Isaac, EX Krishna Chrysaor


I'm going to enlarge the blue background so that all the EX marinas have the depths of the underwater sanctuary





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  • Member ID:  4.594
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thank you for your like ^^

Editado por Loranzo
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Loranzo, tengo que felicitarte por lo bien que posas tus figuras. Siempre he pensado que con una buena pose, las figuras ganan muchísimo más, y más, si le añadimos un diorama.

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  • Timezone:  Europe/Paris

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