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Chibi Myth Cloth By Me


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  • 1 mes después...

  • Member ID:  12.054
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  • hace 2 semanas...

  • Member ID:  12.054
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Great sculpt and paint job. I really dig the style! It would be very interesting to see Athena, Mu SOG or Radamanthys :Face:  
Keep it up, loving your customs.

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  • Member ID:  12.054
  • Group:  Miembros
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  • Content Count:  8
  • Reputation:   17
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  • Timezone:  Europe/Paris

to make a knight it's between 3-4 months of work so I planned to make Hades (but the color of the paint seems complicated to me) and I planned to make athena with doll hair and fabric for the dress

Editado por Darksimonus
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  • hace 5 semanas...

  • Member ID:  12.054
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  • Content Count:  8
  • Reputation:   17
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  • Joined:  07/12/21
  • Status:  Offline
  • Timezone:  Europe/Paris



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  • Member ID:  12.054
  • Group:  Miembros
  • Followers:  0
  • Content Count:  8
  • Reputation:   17
  • Days Won:  0
  • Joined:  07/12/21
  • Status:  Offline
  • Timezone:  Europe/Paris


Athena Chibi Myth Cloth

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  • Member ID:  12.054
  • Group:  Miembros
  • Followers:  0
  • Content Count:  8
  • Reputation:   17
  • Days Won:  0
  • Joined:  07/12/21
  • Status:  Offline
  • Timezone:  Europe/Paris

Loki Socle







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