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Invitado Black Dragon

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Invitado Black Dragon
Hi i'm Black Dragon , i'm 29 years old i'm from Belgium
I'm a saint seiya fan from the late 80's
I started to buy from 1990' s Vintages ... i Stopped and i Re start in the early 2000 's
I start to buy myth cloth on the early production in 2004 so i'm a Myth cloth fan too , but i think Now it begin to be really really EXPENSIVE with Tamashii only selling store like OCE , Black saints and many more
Anyway , i appreciate a lot the Forum and all the pictures here .
Thank to incoming me here
Black Drag.
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Invitado tzoscey
hi , welldruken here to the forum (it doesn't sound so much funny as in spanish)

you are a old school fan xD as other pals here
it really surprise me someone from belgium post here in our forum, a good surprise anyway :mellow:

how is saint seiya merchandising thing there?
have you as much fan support as french?

can you speak spanish? or do you use the online traslators?
Show us your collection as soon as you can

read you in the forums,

[i]hola, bienbebido al foro (no suena tan divertido como lo hace en español)

eres un fan de la vieja escuela B) como otros compañeros aqui
me sorprendio que alguien de belgica postee aqui en nuestro foro, sorpresa de la buenas :mellow:

como esta el asunto del merchandinsing de SS por alli?
teneis tanto masa fan como lso franceses?

puedes hablar español? o usas los traductores online?
enseñanos tu coleccion tan pronto como puedas

nos leemos en los foros[/i]
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  • Member ID:  4
  • Group:  El Jubilao
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  • Days Won:  16
  • Joined:  22/10/10
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  • Age:  48
  • Timezone:  Europe/Madrid

Hello Black Dragon, you must first welcome you to the forum, and what you say, it seems you collect everything that comes out, congratulations, it's a pleasure having you here, greetings ....
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  • Member ID:  137
  • Group:  Miembros
  • Followers:  0
  • Content Count:  367
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  • Days Won:  4
  • Joined:  04/12/10
  • Status:  Offline
  • Age:  41
  • Timezone:  America/Mexico_City

YEAH!!! de verdad que estamos de placemes, excelente ya andamos por esos lades, bienvenido mi Black Dragon, eres de los viejitos (solo un año mayor que yo jajaa) y excelente mira hasta donde llega saint seiya y opino lo mismo que mega y tzoscey, esa cole hay que verla, un saludo...
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