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Y el Coming soon??? :Face(25):

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For those who haven't watched the Thor Phecda EX Hobby Japan review yet !!:cool:


the second magazine, the Figure Ôh is released today! :happy:

Editado por Loranzo
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Coming soon mes en blanco... por suerte.:Face(5):

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Si hacen como en los últimos meses esta semana darán información de la siguiente salida. Quizás algún V3 Ex o alguno de los platas mostrados en la Tamashii.

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@Bocasas There is no coming soon every month !
Hobby Japan Magazine is a month late!
here is the review of the June 2023 figurine, Thor Phecda EX!
it will be necessary to wait until February 25 for the review of the figurine or the figurines of July 2023!


there were two "white months" in figurines, February and March!
it's not because you don't see a "coming soon" that it's a blank month!


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@LoranzoI'm not a newcomer...I know. I was kidding (and also wanting it)

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@Bocasas I'm teasing you too ! :2::7:

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Will we have another Revival in the second half of 2023 ?

5 are still missing - (3 Gold and two bronzes) :cool:


EX Aldebaran taurus ~Revival~

EX Dohko Libra ~Revival~

EX Scorpio Milo ~Revival~

EX Cygnus Hyoga  ~Revival~<New Bronze Cloth>

EX Dragon Shiryu  ~Revival~ <New Bronze Cloth>


ngDMhNmA_o.jpg phaCiMhg_o.jpg



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@Loranzo, el Revival de Seiya V2 aún no ha salido ….. el cual espero que se anuncie este año con la excusa de Tholl 

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En las fotos de la revista sale tholl con seiya v2, podría ser factible esa salida que comentas @Lvera14

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Y en ninguna de las dos revistas hay algún "Next" o "Coming Soon", un total misterio el mes de Julio aunque bien podrían meter ahí a Moses y/o a Misty :biggrin:, mientras no lo dejen en blanco... :Face(5):

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@Vega the bets are open ! :XD:
Misty Lizard ~Revival~ seems to be the best option for July! There have been no classic figures in the 1st half of 2023 yet. :happy:

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