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Invitado poussin

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Hello my name is Poussin, I'm 30 years odl and I am a french fan of saint seiya and most particularly of the lost canvas([url="http://the-lost-canvas.kazeo.com/"]My Blog[/url] ) .
I have 28 myth cloth but I sold them beaucause I m leaving my city in few month and I didn't know how much place I will have . I made by the past some custom for my Myth cloth with the nead of Capucin Team (french famous team of myth cloth's customs° .I was on Popeshion website and I hope participate on your new forum.
Thanks for all
Poussin ;)
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Thank you very much for coming to participate in SSFriends, Poussin. Welcome.
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  • Joined:  22/10/10
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  • Age:  49
  • Timezone:  Europe/Madrid

Hello friend just welcome you to this new forum, greetings ...
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