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Mosses de Ballena

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Pues opino lo mismo, podrían haberse currado un poco más el cuerpo, que parece un myth clásico de los viejos 😅

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A ver, yo creo que abriendo la caja de Pandora con los revival de los secundarios, que espero que sigan y no se quede en Jabu, supongo que para Geki actualizarían el cuerpo; y ya que lo hacen que lo aprovechen para Moses también.

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no se  si seguiran con los secundarios se  fueron  por los de acero  ahora   me deja en duda que jabu les haya funcionado  yo ellos  no hubiera lanzado  los ex de los  v3  y  los  sacaban con cuerpo g3   y actualizados  en revival no me quejo de  lo que nos dieron porque igual  son bonitos   pero creo  que  los v3  originales  como  revivals  con los  rostros  de los  v4   y una  que otra mejora  hubieran sido igual de buenos, al final  con moses yo creo que nadamas meteran un  cuerpo g3  normal   no se enredaran si es que sale  porque esta figura  desaparecio  

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Ni de coña le meten a Moisés el cuerpo G3 normal cual Capella y los otros. Sería una cagada histórica !!.


Lo suyo será un cuerpo grande y algo innovado de G3. Porque sino, para eso, que me lo saquen con el cuerpo G1 de Geki y Aldebaran que le pega mucho más . 


Pero, repito, un nuevo cuerpo grande G3 es lo que todos esperamos para una serie de personajes .

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Whale Moses, the revival of the other bronzes and the oversized bodies were projects of the previous management.

This management geve himself the mission of doing vaguely more silver saints (source the interview of the new manager). For now they are avoiding Moses, maybe because they have to invest on a new body (this is my speculation). Let's see in the future if they will change their mind.

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En 23/11/2021 a las 9:00, Mimilax dijo:

Whale Moses, the revival of the other bronzes and the oversized bodies were projects of the previous management.

This management geve himself the mission of doing vaguely more silver saints (source the interview of the new manager). For now they are avoiding Moses, maybe because they have to invest on a new body (this is my speculation). Let's see in the future if they will change their mind.



I hope you´re right and bandai is investing on a new g3 big body; and as i said before, they can use it for Geki revival, or even for new specters like Giganto or Trol.

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I highly doubt that Bandai would do Troll Ivan, tbh. If they are struggling so hard to finish the silver saints lineup, I can't start to imagine how hard would be for them to launch a figure that has a total of 0 speech during the history. Him and Stand - Stand is even worst, as he is bigger than Thor (but I wouldn't complain if he had the same size as Thor if it was the only way to have him launched...)


But who can tel... Bandai way of working works in mystic ways.

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2022: Babel

2023: Asterion

and then in Bandai they have to decide if they want to do Babel or not with a bigger body.

The big names of silver saints are ending. Maybe i am missing Albior and revival/EX Orphee, but i don't see many more.



There are also Sirius, Dio and Algethy but they are less important and the last one has the same problem of Moses. And the other two they have nosense without Algethy.


P.P.S. i think the oversized myth more important to do are Geki revival, Moses, Gigant and Gordon Minotaurus.

Editado por Mimilax
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este acabará saliendo, viendo el subidón que le están dando a los plateados (una de las grandes noticias), Asterión tampoco tardará en caer. :Face(41):

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ojalá salga 

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A este punto que hagan lo que quieran.

Expectativas e interés:

kelly rowland GIF




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Estemos claros en algo:

Si Bandai es capaz de sacar a Babel tal como está, no creo que les preocupe demasiado sacar a un Moses G1. Al menos la cabeza está bien xD.

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