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Saint Seiya Store

Cuervo Maestro

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I perfectly understand.


For future purchases in your page " Saint Seiya Store " , is true, that shipping charges are free and which are included in the price of items?


Pd: By the way; I am interested in Aiolia Odin CS Speeding Model, but in the product code says CS DELTA...I guess it will be a mistake and that there will be no problem with the order.

Editado por Hades
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Invitado frangalomar

welcome saintseiyastore to the Forum,,,

i hope to buy from you very soon.

I used Ebay in the past but their taxes are expensive  , casuse that the seller must increase a lot their Prices or try to cheat the System.


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Hello friend when im going to checkout in your web i cant do it.
It said that your link with paypal its no secure please fix it
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Hello friend when im going to checkout in your web i cant do it.
It said that your link with paypal its no secure please fix it

hello my friend, again,, we asked the internet company about the possible issue of 502 Bad Gateway,,, and this may due to the fail connection to PayPal , it can be solve try one more time or create an user account in the store, and login store and continue to check out.

Thank you for your message and we appreciated that! 

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  • Member ID:  3.899
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Hello friend today is just ok, i really can check out in your store.

I only have to said that i´ve been allredy loged in your web before the checkout, maybe the problem was mine but is allready solved.

Thank you for all friend you are one of the best sellers i´ve met. 

Editado por Pacheco
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[quote name="Pacheco" post="311877" timestamp="1458296278"]


Hello friend today is just ok, i really can check out in your store.
I only have to said that i´ve been allredy loged in your web before the checkout, maybe the problem was mine but is allready solved.
Thank you for all friend you are one of the best sellers i´ve met. [/quote]
thank you for your message my friend.


[quote name="frangalomar" post="311812" timestamp="1458241117"]


welcome saintseiyastore to the Forum,,,
i hope to buy from you very soon.
I used Ebay in the past but their taxes are expensive , casuse that the seller must increase a lot their Prices or try to cheat the System.
thank you frangalomar and the Ebay trading fee increase a lot of the cost,, further more,,, in the Ebay EU site, they no longer allow a listing from Metal Club product.

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Una preguntita, que con tanto inglés y mi pereza de usar el traductor de Google...., ¿esta web se le añade gastos de envío, o es como en Aliexpress y el envío es gratuito?



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El envío es "gratis" para todos los artículos. Vamos está incluido en el precio.
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  • Member ID:  1.655
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Qué pena no haberlo visto antes entonces...., me hubiese ahorrado unos eurillos en las pandoras de Datong. Están a muy buen precio.


Gracias por la respuesta compañero setolam.

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Shipping is "free" for all items. Let is included in the price.

Thank you for your help in explaining our   shipping terms ,, ,,, actually,  we still need to charge customers in Mexico and South America Extra shipping fee, say at acerca $ 2.5 - $ 3.5 Depending on the item.

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  • Member ID:  2.417
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Ya empezamos subiendo los precios de los productos; que rapidos...jeje :biggrin:

Aun asi, sigue saliendo mas barato; en la mayoria de los productos, que comprarlos por Ebay...

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Ya empezamos subiendo los precios de los productos; que rapidos...jeje :biggrin:

Aun asi, sigue saliendo mas barato; en la mayoria de los productos, que comprarlos por Ebay...

Hemos establecido un tipo de cambio erróneo entre euros y dólares,,, Corregimos ahora .... * - *

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