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Invitado bebopnoun

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Hello everybody,

I'm bebopnoun (call me bebop ^^) from France. I'm member and part of the administration team of Ma Déesse (french forum and site about Saint Seiya). I'm also the President of the Association "Les Amis de Ma Déesse". Our purpose is to present dioramas and customs coming from Saint Seiya and other Japan Series in Events like Japan Expo (Paris in France) or Made In Asia (Bruxelles in Belgium.

Coming here after lajillo78 post in our forum great pictures of the Salon de Manga de Barcelona and because I know that spanish fans are great creators ^^

I'm not speak spanish, sorry for that but you can answer me in spanish, my wife have lived 1 year in Spain (Zaragoza) and work for a spanish company, so if I have some troubles to understand something, she will help me :lol:

Hope i didn't make some mistakes, thanks to you for read me ^^
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Hi bebop!

I'm glad encourage you to participate in this forum.

We have to promote friendship between Saint Seiya fans are the country they are. (But for years to despise vegetables :lol: )

A pleasure to see you here.

a greeting

PD. My English is terrible :o
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Bienvenido al foro, espero que te guste y te lo pases bien aqui con todos nosotros.

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Muchas Gracias a Todos :rolleyes:

I completely agree shion30, hope one day we can all participate in an event with customs and dioramas coming from this forum, Ma Déesse and others in the world.

Thanks again for your supports ^^
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Welcome to the forum friend, being at home here, and as you already said "Saint Seiya together,"
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Bienvenido al foro compañero! a pasarlo bien por aquí! :)
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Welcome to the forim bepop!!!!!
Here in this forum you will find great customizer from spain and other countries.
I was checking the ma deesse website and I love it all the stuff to creat a good background for any saint seiya collection plus the dioramas and customs are great,well we just read out there,regards. Editado por saga-kanon
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bebopnoun mon dieu xD (french clicle)

welldrunken to our forum

first, i want to thank you for the great fons compilation that u made at madeesse... it's really useful then and now ;)

second, we enjoy other ss friends come across frontiers and languages, at the bottom we are just fans. hope u are here to stay with us a lot of time. And if there is any option to make united proyects or u need any help for yours, contact us and we will do any things we can.

read you out there,

[i]bebopnoun mon dieu (topico frances)

bienbebido a nuestro foro

primero, quiero agradecerte la magnifica compilacion de imagenes para fondos que hicisteis en madessee... ha sido muy util y sigue siendolo

segundo, nos complace tener otros amigos de ss a traves de las fronteras y las lenguas, en el fondo solo somos fans. esperemos uqe este aqui para quedaros mucho tiempo. y si hay cualquier opcion de hacer proyectos juntos o necesitais cualquier tipo de ayuda para los vuestros, no dudeis en contactar con nosotros y haremos todo loq eu podamos

nos vemos ahi fuera[/i]
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