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From another country, yodin's arrival

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Invitado Yodin

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Hello ^^,

First, sorry for not speaking spanish. In fact my grandfather was from Spain, but i didn't learn his language, so i'll use english to participate.

Maybe someones here now me under yodin surname (i'm a very active member of [i]Ma Déesse[/i] and [i]Ikki 63[/i]), but to correctly introduce myself i can say you the following things: i'm from France, i'm fan of Saint Seiya since childhood (very surprising isn't it :D ?), and i collect the Myth Cloth figures since 2005. I'm first found of Asgard God Warriors (Bandai, let's go for an Alpha EX :rolleyes: !), but in reality all the saga enjoys me, with a preference for the Old Saint Seiya (sanctuary battle, Asgard and Poseidon wars).

My collection is now about 100 Myth Clothes (more or less), including somme OCE, and all the officials figures realised. I started EX too... those MC are simply fantastics!

I'm here cause Ivàn invited me for the birthday of the forum, and i've accepted 'cause it's a great honor to be invited. Beeing here will be a good occasion to show you my works (dioramas) on Saint Seiya universe... I hope you'll enjoy them . I also like photography my figures, in particular when i have a good place to. It's for this reason that i started dioramas ^^

So what else?.. Maybe the best way is to participate and let you discover me.

Thanks to Ivàn, hope we'll have fun and good time on the forum!
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Bienvenido al foro, espero que te agrade y te lo pases bien aqui.

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wellcome friend! have a nice time here! (mas o menos xD)
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Invitado saga-kanon
Welcome to the forum Yodin and have fun,i'll be waiting for your collection sound really good,over 100 myth cloth including dioramas awesome!!!

Bienvenido al foro Yodin y diviertete,estare esperando tu coleccion suena muy bien mas de 100 myth cloth incluidos dioramas grandioso!!!!
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yodin? the very yodin scenary maker? :o
it's a joke, for sure xD

in this forum, we have a grand fan of your work, it's named Hagen (sure it's for the relative asgardian background ;)), he usually bring yodin work from madeesse so we all can be pleased because of them.

anyway, welldrunken to our forum
hope you'll stay with us, and let us know about your works

read you out there,

[i]yodin?e mismo yodin que hace los escenarios?
esto es una broma seguro

en este foro, tenemos un gran fan de tu trabajo, su nombre es hagen ( seguro que es por vuestro parentesco comun asgariano) suele traer los trabajos de yodin desde madeesse para uqe todos podamos disfrtarlos.

de cualquier forma, bienbebido al foro
esperemos uqe te quedes con nosotros y podamos ver tus trabajos

nos leemos ahi fuera,[/i]
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Wellcome to Saint Seiya Friends
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[color="#000000"]Hi Yodin!!

Thank you very much for joining us and welcome to saintseiyafriends.com.

Yodin, is one of the judges final phase in the photo competition , which along with the other jurors will choose the winners. Thank you very much for accepting.[/color]

[i]Yodin será uno de los jueces de fase final del 1er certamen-aniversario de fotografía, que junto al resto de miembros del jurado, escogerá a los ganadores. Muchas gracias por aceptar.[/i]
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OMG! Yodin here? :rolleyes:

Welcome to SSF. Your works are incredibles.

Please, don´t be very strict in the competition :unsure:


PD: [b]tzoscey[/b], en serio le has puesto welldrunken?? jajajajajja
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Bienvenido seas a este foro,the king of kings of the craft...
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